The New House
So friends I thought that I would put up some pics of the new house. Our house is the end unit of four town houses. We have a carport and two entrances into the house. From the carport there is a landing that goes to the front door but there is also a set of stairs that goes down into the courtyard. In the courtyard there is another door that goes into the basement. To get out the back of our house we have to go out the window! Upstairs there is a dining room, living room, kitchen and back porch where there are hook-ups for laundry. Downstairs there are four bedrooms and a bathroom that is not attached to a room!!! This is good because then when we have company they can use the washroom without going through a bedroom. There are two bedrooms that have an ensuite as well complete with showers. Off the courtyard there is also a servants room that Rebecca is going to convert into her craft room and there is also a tiolet off the courtyard. It's of the squat get used to them. I haven't peed on myself yet...ok I've only had to use one a couple of times.
As you can see there is no luxury tile or marble anything, no tubs but there is peace, happiness and no stress! Praise the Lord. There are red floors everywhere except the bathrooms. This is very typical of Sri Lankan homes. Unfortunately the floor in our house wasn't finished properly and the red paint is coming off. I took a picture of the bottom of my slippers. The house was ALL white when we were moving in so we did some painting. The livingroom area is a golden yellow with the feature wall being terracotta in color. It goes really well with the red floor. The dining room is green, not too dark, not too light, just right. The kitchen is painted a really nice soft butter yellow. It's a nice peaceful color. Matt and Rebecca are going to be painting their room periwinkle which will offset the white very nicely. My room however is the color of King Coconut.
So aside from what the house looks like, the important thing is that we have WATER!!!! The first morning that we were in the house I woke up to the sound of water running. At first I thought it was because Rebecca was running water in the kitchen which is right above my room but then I realized that the sound was hitting the ground. Our tank was running over! I had never heard such a wonderful sound in my life. I can take a warm shower whenever I need to (I don't have to go to the school for a shower anymore), the floor of my bathroom doesnt flood if I turn on a tap! It's amazing the things that we take for granted in North America. The things that we consider our right to have.
I thank God for our new house and I would like to thank all of you who have been praying diligently for us here in Sri Lanka. Thanks and God bless.
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