"...And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them." Hebrews 11:13-16

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Keepin' It Real

So it looks like we are going to be moving. Matt and Rebecca have found a house. It's california meets asian. I am totally not looking forward to moving. I guess I see it as a necessary evil - as they say. It just figures that we'd be moving as soon as my drain was fixed. It was fixed yesterday. I am so thankful to have it fixed. It is such a relief to be able to use running water in my bathroom.

So I've been reading Lavonne's blog. She is so good at writing what is going on inside her head. She's inspired me to write more than the fun things that are going on but to also write what is going on inside my head...that's a scary place.

It is so much harder to live cross-culturally than I thought it would be. You are challenged everyday. I have come to realize how selfish I am. To be in full-time ministry you can't be a selfish person. There are so many times when I 've not wanted to do something that would be helpful because I simply don't feel like it. It's not what I want to be doing right then. I'll give you an example.

One day I was really stir crazy and I needed to get out of the house and do something. Rebecca was having a hard time with Micah because he was wide awake but she was dead tired. I was going to call Esther and ask if she wanted to do something. I was only concerned with the fact that I was stressed and needed to get out. Just as I was going to go and call Esther a little voice in my head said "and what about Rebecca?" I realized that I hadn't even thought about her difficulty that day. I felt horrible. Here I am thinking only of myself when one of my best friends was having a really rough day. So I decided to take Micah out for a walk. He loves it outside and then Rebecca could have a nap and catch up on her sleep. Both of us benefitted.

I realized that there are many times in my life that things like this happen and it really sickened me. That time it worked out so that we both benefitted even though I hadn't thought about it but how many times is that something that I consider in my life. What do I get out of it?

I think that this is one of the biggest lessons that I am learning right now. Service for God is not about me. Becoming more Christlike is not about me. Living in community is not about me. Asian cultures are very community oriented and I would have to say that I am struggling with it. It is very hard to put aside my individuality. I've really had to search out my motivations and repent of my sins.

Friends it really is just about Jesus. I know when we say that everyone thinks, "Oh that's such a pat answer." Yes it may be simple but it is the answer. I've been trying to do so many things on my own power since being here. It's something that I am constantly struggling with. I was reading over some of my old blog entries this morning and I came across one called "The Great Meltdown" in it I used the analogy of being stressed to the point of meltdown to an old RCA television. When life is so busy and we become so stressed that our light is growing smaller and dimmer just like when you shut off an old tv and the light on the screen slowly turns into a little pinpoint of light in the midddle of the screen before going out. As I read that the thought that went through my head was "yes because that light is running on your own power and not mine." If I keep my focus on Jesus, letting Him plan my agenda instead of me then I won't get worn out and stressed. It sounds so easy to me but I know that it is really hard. I've always been so independent. To rely on someone else is soooooo hard for me. So I guess that one of my struggles is letting God take control.

So I don't know if any of that made any sense at all. I do feel better for getting it out so thanks to all who actually read all of that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a wise woman... I hope that I can be like you one day... God Bless and Praying for you.


April 29, 2005

Blogger Courtney said...


Your blog today really challenged me to be less selfish. Thanks for the reminder - I needed that.


April 29, 2005


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