One Month Later
So it's been a month since I shaved my head. It's grown just over 1/2". I'm really struggling with it because I am used to doing my hair differently all the time and now my hair is exactly the same every single day. I do however get bedhead now. I get crush marks from my pillow...upside is that it only takes me about 30 seconds to fix it:)
Hey I wonder what would happen if you put gel or mousse in your hair. Just a thought. Are you going to colour it when it grows out?
March 06, 2006
Only a half an inch in a month!!! your lucky I can grow that in a couple of weeks... then I'm off to get anouther haircut....
March 07, 2006
Hey Courtney,
Sure did try the hair product but my hair is just too short. It still stand straight up:( You bet I'm going to color my hair when it grows out...I have way too much grey!!
March 07, 2006
Ow Ow!!!! Looking Good!
March 09, 2006
Esther Vetsch to imkendar
More options 9:26 am (7 hours ago)
hi kendra,
we'll still be around in april. heck we'll be around until the end of july/beginning of august. you can come and get in on the housebuilding action if you want. I think even melanie is coming this summer for a while because jason is doing flight camps, so he'll be busy and gone a lot.
so what's new with you? I've been keeping up with the blog, but I guess there's always stuff going on.
anyway, hope school's still going well for you, and that your hair grows fast!
PS - dude your email is always full and I can never send you anything. would you like a gmail account? I can send you an invitation... almost 3 GB....
March 11, 2006
I think you look good!
March 12, 2006
hey fuzz ball
March 13, 2006
pretty lady
March 14, 2006
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