These flowers grow in the school's yard

There are a lot of flowers here. Some we have in Canada but most of them we don't. They range in colors but all are very bright. They are so beautiful because they stand out against the plethora of green everywhere. I hope you enjoy seeing these. I am fasinated by them.

Calla Lillies grow everywhere here. You find them along the side of the road.

Kay I wish I could just pick some on my way home so we could use them in your wedding... don't think they would last though or that they would let me take them out of the country! When I first saw them everywhere I told Reb that you had thought about having them in the bouquets. If you decide to use them please don't tell me how much you end up paying...it'll make me cry.

The even grow under our water tank!


This tree is in the Anglican church yard. It is incredibly huge. I put my umbrella there so that you would have a reference as to how big it is.

This is looking up into the tree. The foliage is at the ends of the branches.

This is a poinsettia tree. Cool eh!

I love this tree because it barely has any leaves, just blossoms. They can be anywhere from light pink to dark Christmas red.

This picture is for you Auntie Lorri

Like the Calla Lillies these flowers grow everywhere. I think of you, Auntie Lorri everytime I see them, which is everyday, because you have them in your flower arrangment.

Two little orange plants sitting side by side (sing that to the tune of "10 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed)

Oh Amanda! If only you could experience the orangeness of Sri Lanka. I think you would be quite happy here.

these flowers remind me of hibiscus flowers.