My Weekend in Winnipeg
My weekend in Winnipeg was tons of fun. When I arrived at the airport I came down the escalator to the baggage area, looking for Laura as I came down and as I went through the gate I was attacked by my Aunt Irene. I saw her at the last minute and then I was being hugged. It startled me because I wasn't expecting to see her. Apparently my cousin Ashley was on the same flight. We didn't recognize each other...we even entered the plane one infront of the other!! Craziness! My Uncle Jim (Irene's husband), Uncle Herbie and Aunt Peggy (Ashley's parents) were there too. Laura was there and I eventually spotted her...she looked frightened....I would be too, my family is loud. So Laura was introduced to my family.
Friday night Laura and I went to a coffee seminar at Starbucks, well we made it there for the last 5 minutes anyway. Then we went to my cousin Brendan's house where I am moving to and I got another look at my room. He's letting me paint my room orange!!! It's going to be a mellow cantelope colour. I'm stoked about that. We then met some people for a late supper at Pizza Hut and went home.
Saturday was the day of Sherri's wedding. We were running a little late, we didn't realize it took longer than an hour to get to Morden...oops. Well we finally found the church and thought that it was pretty quiet outside. I had to pee so I ran into the church and low and behold the ceremony was well underway so I peeked through the window and saw that the pastor had just said, "You may now kiss the bride"!!!!!!!!!!! We watched the rest of the ceremony through the windows in the doors. We had the time of the ceremony wrong. It was mostly my fault and I felt really bad. We were standing out in the lobby feeling really awkward when Sherri and Jeff came out of the hall we were standing there and we were the first to congratulate them with tears and hugs...Sher was crying. She said she did ok until coming out. We stayed for the reception and then Vicki came with us back to Winnipeg and we ate leftover pizza and played Scrabble. Goodtimes.
Laura and I did lots of other things and they were all good. My flight home was a bit of a fiasco but what to do? My plane to Grande Prairie was about 5 hours late and when I finally got to GP at 2:30am they had misplaced my luggage:( I got it the next day though so all is well. Oh by the way I move in 6 days!!!!!! YAHOO!