"...And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them." Hebrews 11:13-16

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Stupid Button

So funny/weird thing happened to me at work today. I walked to work and when I walked in the front door a button just fell off my blouse. It kinda sucked cause it was a brand new shirt. About half an hour later another button fell off. Then just before I went on my dinner break another button fell off. I was hoping that I wasn't going to be naked by the end of my shift. What is up with all the buttons falling off? Lucky for me they were all from the bottom of the shirt and my apron covered it up. When we were closing up yet another button fell off my shirt! This time it was the one that they sew into the inside seam of the shirt. Other than that it was a good day at work. I really enjoy the people that I work with. They love my snort:)

Friday, May 19, 2006

Sorry I know I keep writing about my trip to Israel...I can't help it!

So yesterday I had a conference call with CIC, ICEJ and the other 5 scholarship winners. It was good because we got to find out a little about each other and what our trip is going to be like. There are four guys and just two girls. I was really glad when the other girl joined the call because I was thinking that I was the only girl for a while.

The 6 of us are going to be a part of a larger group of 50 people from 6 different countries. We are the only from Canada. There are a bunch from the States, Finland, UK, South Africa and New Zealand. It's awesome that we get to meet people from other places as well.

So we get to visit quite a few of the Holy sites, we'll be taking lectures, visiting the government, visiting a children's home, gardening at a hospital, visiting with some Arab families, and running a children's program in the Old City. We'll also be working with the municipal doing some cleanup, visiting an Ethiopian family, going to a home for altzhemeir patients and we'll also be visiting people who were injured in terrorist attacks. For the more relaxed things we'll be doing is swimming in the dead sea, riding camels into the desert to a bedouin oasis and staying there the night, we'll also be having time for ministry to us, times of worship, devotions and bible studies. It sounds like we're going to be crazy busy. I'm going to be exhausted when I return.

I'm really excited. Everyone that I have spoken to says that going to Israel will change your life forever. Even on the conference call they said that. I thank God for this opportunity. I still can't believe that I'm going in 24 days!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

26 Days!

I can't believe that I am leaving Grande Prairie to go to Israel in 26 days. If I think about it too much then my heart starts to race!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sticky Hair

So I've successfully completed two shifts at Starbucks. Man there is a lot to know. I had no idea that they had so many drinks...or at least is seems like it. I'm told that there are just the core drinks but then you can have them however you like them. Anyways my head feels like it is going to explode. One of the girls asked if I could help her pour out some fraps and I said sure cause really how hard can it be to pour a drink into a cup? So she tells me to shake the jug first so that it will pour easier. So I did but apparently not the correct way...cause there is a way to do that too! It ended up blurping on my apron, shirt, face and hair! Nice.

All in all it was a crazy day but I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to actually knowing what I'm doing while I'm there:)

Friday, May 12, 2006

I'm A Working Girl Again

So I decided this week that I really needed to start looking for a job cause I'm going to Israel and I really wanted to have some money to spend while I was there...eating is good. So I reworked my resume, printed off six to start and headed over to the shopping area near my parent's place. I say shopping area because there is several blocks of strip malls and big box stores, movie theatres and restaurants.

So I first went to SaveOn Foods. I had picked up a application from them before so I dropped it off and then did a few errands and stopped at Starbucks to drop off my resume there. I filled out the application and as I was leaving I started feeling really nauseous so I called my Mom and she picked me up. I went home and slept. This was on Tuesday.

Well I wasn't really motivated on Wednesday to go out and yesterday I got a call from Starbucks for an interview. I went this morning and I got the job at the interview. They had no problem with giving me the time off to go to Israel and Sundays. I'm excited to have a real job again.

For those doing the A Call To Die book with me...yikes working in a place with yummy drinks that are full of sugar and dairy products! It's going to be tough but I know that I can do it.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Kendar and Evar

It's so weird to see my hair so long. This picture was taken in September 2005 just after I returned from Sri Lanka. That was the last time that I saw Eva for now she lives in Newfoundland:( I miss you friend.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

To Alice

A person I don't even know died the other day...and I'm grieving. One of my friends forwarded me some emails from and old school friend of her's who was fighting cancer. Her name was Alice. Alice had a deep, committed relationship with God that was evident by the journal enteries that she wrote and her parent's passed along to all of us.

It really moved something deep inside of me to see someone so sick still have such an incredible faith and trust in God. Alice has been a light and an inspiration to me to quit complaining when things get a little hard, when I'm not completely comfortable in life. I'd even dare say that she is a hero to me. Her body was riddled with cancer, she suffered immense pain, drugged up all the time yet still having to suffer the side effects on top of the pain that the drugs only masked. She relied on God every day to see her through without waivering in her belief that God was with her all the way, that He cared and felt her pain, that He would heal her and that her life would touch many.

Well God did heal her by taking her home. I have faith that her life has touched many because it touched mine and I don't even know her.

Friday, May 05, 2006


Hey I thought I'd update you all a little more. I guess in my enthusaism I forgot to say who I'm going with. I'm going with Canada Israel Committee and the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem organizations.

The scholarship that I won is the Campus Scholarship Program for Christian Leaders Israel Tour

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Dan and Jenn Lundy had a baby boy! His name is Gideon Daniel, he was born on April 28th and he weighted 10lbs 4ozs!!!!! Yikes.

I'm Going to Israel!!

I got an email this morning telling me that I was accepted to receive one of the scholarships to Israel!! I cannot express how excited I am to be going. I'll be gone from June 13-29th. I'll give more details as I know them.